Adelaide Trip – Hilton Hotel Adelaide


It’s a long weekend again! This time were are going on another dog friendly road trip to Adelaide! Yipee!!

Unfortunately, it will be a 4 hour drive to Adelaide…. I’m no big fan of long car trips, but i suppose its worth the wait/drive.


After 4 hours, we finally arrived in Adelaide!

This time we will be staying at the Hilton Hotel Adelaide.


The room is nice and comfortable. What’s even better is that it only costs an extra of $90 per stay (for cleaning up all the fur we leave behind!) to have us there. Unfortunately we are not allowed on any of the furniture (as it is hotel policy). They have 1 pet friendly room for each of the room type.

We stayed in the King Hilton Guest Room this time and had a good view of the Adelaide Cityscape and Victoria Square.



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